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It would be wrong to think the UAE are benefitting from the Arab Spring. Reality is that The economy is very influenced and distributed by regions, not only by countries. If  the region,  would have peace and stability, UAE would have grown much more. 

It is truth, that the political stability of UAE and Dubai’s status as an international business center, has attracted a large share of the capital from Arab countries involved in the Arab Spring (Egypt, Tunisia, Syria, Yemen and other Arab countries) 

In fact, The United Arab Emirates attracted about $8.2 billion of direct foreign investment in 2012  ($5.5 billion in 2010).

But we must insist in the same, it would have been much largest the FDI in UAE,  if the Region would have been in peace and stability. 

In fact, the UAE has pledged billions of dollars in aid to stabilize cash-strapped Arab states, and UAE companies are now investing in North Africa.

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